If you are a Black American you should thank God for slavery every day. Im not being facetious here either. I mean it litterally.
Now before I explain exactly what I mean, let me explain what i dont mean.
I dont mean that slavery was moral, becasue it wasn't.
I dont mean it wasn't an enduring stain on our national character, because it was.
I dont mean that the slaves didnt suffer and die unjustly, becsue they did.
Im not saying slavery was good for the slaves, because it wasn't.
I am not in any way making the argument that slavery was moral, or just, or acceptable, or anything other than a horrid, disgusting, immoral, vile and disgraceful insititution whose existence stained America's soul.
But none the less if you are a Black American then you should thank god that it once existed.
Sound contradictory? Then follow this line of thought. Slavery was bad, but its existence lead to some good things. Namely millions of Black men and women being born free in America.
Because lets face it, If America had been moral from the beginning, if we had never allowed this disgraceful practise to take root in our country, you would not (most likely) be here. You would have been born in Africa. And no matter how bad you may think racism is in America, you know damn well you would not be better of having been born in Africa.
Walk through the refugee camps set up for the victims in Darfur, and ask them if they wish their ancestors had been sold into slavery in America. Ask the children starving in ethiopia if they widh their ancestors had been slaves. As those who have died in the constant tribal, civil, and genocidal wars whether they were better off being born in the "motherland"
The fact is I have been to several African Nations, and they are holes. They are pits of poverty, brutality, opression, and death.
Yeah maybe you have gotten pulled over for "DWB" but you have never had to hide from a rape squad. Maybe you didnt get that job becasue the manager doing the hiring worked for the KKK, but you have never had to watch as roving bands of men came into your town and slaughtered every man woman and child. Maybe you did have to get foodstamps once, but you have never known the type of hunger that an actual famine can bring. You might have been called a coon once, but you've never had to worry about being eaten by a lion.
Slavery was one of the greatest evils America has ever taken part in, yet for those of you who are the descendents of slaves, and thus are the true beneficiaries of slavery, it was the best thing that could have ever happened, becasue it made you Americans.
The Ukraine peace deal
4 hours ago
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