Are you a feminist? Its OK if you are, Im not going to bite. Usually I would point at you and laugh but not today.
Today I just want to remind all the female feminists out there to thank a man for feminism.
Yes I said Thank a man, or to be precise, Men.
You see Feminism only exists becasue of men. Now I dont mean that if the human race had only one sex there wouldnt be feminism. Nor do i mean feminism evolved as a result of the actions of men. I mean that it is the accomplishments of Men, that allwoed feminism to exist at all.
Feminism is an inherantly modern ideology. This is becasue, to be blunt, feminism couldn't have existed in earlier days. You see the whole idea of feminism requires a well developed civilsation in order to exist. Without a population used to living under the "rule of law" rather than the "rule of man" the diea of women and men being equals couldnt even have come into existence.
Why do I say this? Becasue the only way for femisim to exist is to live in a civilisation where people willingly ceed the right to the use of violence to the authorties. In a civilsation where the average person is able to use violence freely, feminism cant exist. Oh sure some woman might come up with he concept, but as soon as she starts talking about it a man is going to come by and knock out her teeth. And when it comes to violence, women simply cant compete with men. In a world where might makes right, women will always be second class citizens.
It is only becasue of the millenia of wars, battles, fights and conquest, that our world is civilised enough to allow women the luxury of believing "Even if I walk into a biker bar in a string bikini I have a right not to be accosted, catcalled or raped. In a world of might makes right, the woman would simply be considered insane. (In truth the attitude is just as insane in ours but I digress, maybe things ought to be that way, but acting as if they are is simply asking for trouble) It is only becasue of the generations of Men, who laid the intellectual framework for the idea of equality of the sexes that such an idea exists.
It is the fact that men in America have been taught not to comete with women on the same level that they compete with men, that allwos a woman to think she can. Think about how many times you have seen some "assertive" woman screaming at or cussing out a man, do you honestly think she would be doing so if she expected to get the same reaction a man behaving in the same way would? In other words if she thought she was as likely to be punched in the face as a man saying the same thing? It is only becasue the use of violence to solve disputes is so unaccepted, and becasue of the "sexist" indocrination most men have recieved, that women can delude themselves into thinking they want men to treat them the same way we do other men.
Because lets face it, the last thing women want is for us to treat them the way we treat each other, everytime we do, they end up sueing us. So feminists, thank a man and thank men in general, if we hadn't made the world as civilised as it is, and worked so hard to control ourselves, you wouldn't even have your nice little fantasy.
Oh and y'know it was men who voted to pass the suffregettes legislation.
Sunday assorted links and non-links
3 hours ago
I really don't get what you want to say here. That equal rights can only work in a society that HAS rights, a constitutional state with other words? I don't think anyone would object that.
In a "might makes right" society not only average women would be handicapped, also men who are not very physically strong, like me. So I should be thankful to all the tough bullies that they have allowed a society to exist where I don't need to be very afraid of them anymore?
I think in many, maybe even most historical societies physical strength was not the main factor in selecting a ruler. Queen Elisabeth I didn't need to punch her ministers to make them obey her orders.
Our civilisation owes a lot to the ancient greeks. And the scientific community developed out of the medieval monks. Do scientists today have to be thankful to christianity because of that, and should not dare to critisise religion and things like intelligent design?
Really, since you only point out the obvious, one has to suspect that what you really want to bring across is the connotation. And to me that connotation sounds awfully close to "just because we haven't been beating you recently, we might start soon beating you again, if you don't stop to act so proud and independent."
I don't know if that was what you really mean, I hope not. But it's hard for me to see any other message here.
The point was pretty clear I thought. For all their catewalling about "equality" the last thing woemn want is for men to treat them the way we do other men. The fact is the only reason "sexual equality" works, is because most men dont believe women are equal. Its only because we created a society that protects the weak, that the weak can pretend to be storng.
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