Reverend Sharpton.
You have come to represent everything that is wrong in Black America today. You showcase the most vile, counterproductive, and oppressive traits in Black Manhood. You enable thugs and killers, turn our youth into criminals and rob our children of their hope. Together with your supporters in the black community you have robbed generations of young black men and women of all hope in themselves, their nation, and their own future. You consistently and constantly attempt to divide, balkanise and separate Americans by color in order to line your own filthy coffers and maintain your image. You seize upon any attempt to tell black Americans that there is no hope for the future to be found in this great nation, focusing on perceived injustices as a way of keeping your corpulent face in the news to the detriment of black men and women everywhere. You decry the high rates of incarceration among blacks while spreading a diseased message that does more to enable black criminals than any of your white scapegoats. By constantly telling black men and women that there is no hope, that America is too racist for them to succeed, that everyone not black is out to get them, you spread the seeds of violence which have blossomed in the gardens of Black America. When those men and women who have taken your message to heart commit the crimes which you have taught them is their only hope of "success" you then decry the system that punishes their actions rather than the hopeless and helpless image you have placed in their hearts and minds.
Reverend Sharpton you are not a man of God. A man of God would not intentionally disenfranchise generations of American Blacks simply to line his pockets and stroke his own ego. A man of God would not rob generations of men and women of faith in themselves, or in their capabilities in order to further his "career". A man of God would not tie his personal success to the failure of those he calls his brothers and sisters. A Man of God would not cast an entire nation of men and women as racist in order to maintain his own illusions of relevance. A man of god would not profit off the backs of those he pretends to defend. A man of God would not use his personal fame and fortune to convince millions of Americans that they aren't good enough to get ahead without his sponsorship and that of those he allies himself with. A man of God would not fan the dying embers of racism in America in order to serve Mammon.
A Man of God would not defend thugs like the "jenna 6" reverends. A true Man of God would have defended the Duke Lacrosse team and condemned the Jenna 6, you sir, did the exact opposite.
It has come time for you to face a truth you will not wish to face reverend Sharpton, you more than any other man, more than any grand kleagle, more than any corrupt cop, are responsible for keeping racism alive. Your constant race baiting, your blind support of black murderers and thugs whose main victims are blacks themselves, your constant accusations of racism leveled at any one with whom you disagree, your constant characterisation of America as a country which is racist at its core, these things are more responsible for keeping racism alive than all the neo-nazis in the world. You sir, have become a propagator of racial enmity.
Its time you woke up to the evil you have inflicted upon the world Reverend Sharpton. The time has come to stop viewing everything through the lens of "race" and begin to view the world through eyes which would allow you to see whites to be just as much your brother's as the blacks.
Yes there is still racism in America, just as there is still injustice. There always will be. This is a world made and ruled by men not God, and as such will never be perfect. However in a country where black men and women have climbed to the highest rungs of the ladder in every walk of life, where a black man is a serious presidential candidate, where our universities are so hungry for black students they lower their standards in order to bring more in, where every organisation or institution imaginable is actively searching for more blacks to hire, even if they do not meet the standards necessary to apply, where entertainers are fired for using the same terminology black men and women use on the air without hesitation, Blacks should not be falling further behind. Yet they are. In large part because of you.
Hispanics have leapfrogged Blacks in terms of population, median education, median income, and virtually every measurable metric of a given demographics success. This is not because they did not face racism, nor because of any special programs designed to "overcome a legacy of racism" it is in fact due largely to hard work and industry. Asians, who faced many of the same pressures, yet taught their children the value of education, and hard work, are the single most successful "racial" group in America today, having an even higher median income and wealth than whites. Countless immigrant groups, form the early germans and swedes, to the irish, the arabs, the jews and even the haitians have made greater gains than American Blacks. And yet you have taught millions of black men and women that there is no point in working hard as they will only enrich the "white man", that there is no point in getting an education since any white employer will be too racist to hire them, that there is no value in the same exact traits which have allowed every single immigrant group in America to have greater success than native born Black Americans.
Reverend Jackson when Black men from Haiti have a greater statistical chance of being successful in America than do native born blacks, its time to stop blaming racism and start blaming yourself. The violence in the ghetto's, the lack of respect for education among poor blacks, the cries that a young black man is "acting white" when he studies in school or gets a job, these pernicious and dangerous attitudes which have held blacks back for so long were inflicted by your own hateful rhetoric. You sir are the chief enabler. You sir are the reason young black men in the inner city see dealing crack as a better future than college. You sir are the reason a young black man is over 10 times more likely to be either the victim or perpetrator of murder than a white man. You have poisoned our community sir, and its time to stop.
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2 hours ago
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