Judo, Aikido, and many of the other "soft" martial arts operate on a principle of redirecting your opponents attacks against them. There is a similar principle in the sphere of PR and propaganda, an idea that by stealing your opponents arguments one can in effect, use their own attack against them. When done well it is a frightfully effective tactic; when done poorly, its laughable. For years now feminist have had a Propagan-do saying, "Patriarchy hurts men too". Essentially the idea is that the traditional standards of manliness, by requiring men to cultivate, practise, and master the manly virtues, places an unfair and harmful burden on men. Its a beautifully crafted piece of Propagan-do, as it gives weak men a justification for their weakness and a channel by which to attack standards they can not meet. It's a very seductive idea, as all invitations to weakness are.
But Propagand-do attempts, when made by those without the guile, intelligence, or craft necessary to use it effectively is laughably transparent and inept. Such was the case recently when Ragnell the Fat (AKA Lisa Fortuner at the newsarama blog) the eponymous grand dame of "When fangirls attack", attempted to use the MadMan's owns post on the feminine superiority agenda, to in effect, argue that no such thing exists.
I have the give the giant fem-beast an A for effort, even it was an utterly transparent and laughable attempt to buy her cause political cover. The problem of course is, the very attitudes she claims "make her want to punch something" are a natural outgrowth of feminist propaganda over the last several decades. After all don't all good feminists know that all manly men are really just violent, nasty, brutish, raping, misogynistic, cavemen? Don't we after all beat, abuse, abandon, manipulate, and oppress women in an effort to protect our privilege? Isn't that why domestic violence laws, family court laws, child support laws, divorce laws, abortions laws, employment laws, anti-discrimination laws, the sentencing and guilt gap and many others all have to be written to protect women from us patriarchal men due to the rape-culture we have created? If men are not, by nature, sexist, misogynist pigs who objectify women while simultaneously using and manipulating them for our own pleasure before beating raping and killing them; then why do women need so many specialised laws to protect, coddle and support and excuse them? If Men are not the partiarchal guardians of the rape culture then why do liberal colleges need "sexual harassment workshops" and why do corporations need to send men into "sensitivity training" anytime we offend some thin-skinned harridan? If men are not violent buffoons unable to control their brutish instincts, then why must domestic violence laws be written to assume the man is the aggressor? Why must judges award TRO's to any woman who requests one, no matter how ridiculous her argument? If men are not, in fact, insensate testosterone poisoned neanderthals, why then must family courts ensure the children are not raised by these oafs, in all but the most extreme circumstances?
What I find even more incredulous, and quite frankly ballsy about her attempt at Propagan-do, is her final line though, "And they say feminists hate men.". In what was the only piece of her work that showed any type of intelligence, Raggy attempts, after "decrying" the treatment of Wonderman, to use this line to cement the central thrust of her article in ones mind. Essentially this is "I am a feminist and I am complaining about this, therefore feminism does not endorse such a position" even more ridiculously it implies that those who wrote "Countdown #11", were not themselves feminists. The problem with that of course, is that Justin Gray, and Jimmy Palmiotti, the books creators, are both confirmed feminists themselves.
Sad, but then what can you expect? Feminists will not admit thier real agenda, untill all men who are not castrated are in chains.
Hire Don’t Fire at the FDA
2 hours ago
"Feminists will not admit thier real agenda"
Pot, here's a kettle.
An illiterate kettle, anyway.
I am a man who is the primary custodial guardian of my child. My ex-wife pays me child support. Child support and family court laws are written to protect the rights of children. They not for the ego's of adults to treat children as property. I hope your devotion to comic book fanboyism has been enough to keep you out of the genepool with your attitude towards the responsibility of parenthood being a gender issue.
Wow, three lies in one comment. Nicely done.
I can't imagine insulting the people who come to comment on your blog does you any good. Especially when you don't even bother to point out the perceived flaws in such a comment.
Like the fellow said, there are lots of rules that you mentioned that are not merely for the "benefit" of women. Treating both halves of a population like they're worth something tends to improve everyone's lot, y'know?
An anonymous commment thats out of touch wiht reality is worth treating any better.
And his "point" is not only contra-factual, its idiotic. The child court laws have nothing to do with the welfar of the children and everything to do with "empowering women" if it were about the child, the courts would look for the best parent for the child rather than assume the mother is. If it were about the welfare of the child, women who attemot to take mens children out of state, or the country, would be required to give up custody. If it were about the good of the child, then the assumption of 'primary care" would not be extended arbitrarily to a single sex.
As to "treating both halves of the population as if they're worth something", yes that would be nice, sadly men are worthless excpet for when women dont want to work, or need someone to blame.
Custody of my brother and I was given to my father after my parents' divorce in the early 1970s. It wasn't until years later that I learned just how rare such an occurrance was, as many of my friends in primary school were raised by their mothers. And if anyone bothered to pay attention, the father's rights movement is pretty big on the international scene for seeking better treatment of fathers by family court which mainly side with the mothers in most cases.
Even though the information in it is a bit out of date, The Myth Of Male Power by Warren Farrell has plenty of data showing how the so-called privilages of men are not anything of the sort.
Wow, Your pop was lucky. Sounds like you were too, vince. Yeah particularly Fathers 4 justice who made a big splash with thier Batman protest.
A guy who spends all his time attacking women is considered a pretty weak fucking man, typically.
Ahh, typical feminist newspeak, any man who fights against feminist opression is "attacking a woman" and thus unmanly. Nice try, but did you really think the opinons of a eunuch would bother me?
Halp! Halp! The wimmins are OPPRESSING meeeeeeeeee! Help me, RMM-Kenobi, you're our only hope!
Women get primary custody more often because women usually do the bulk of the childcare. Statistically, this is overwhelmingly the case. Yes, there are exceptions. And in exceptional cases, the law favors the father, because the law favors the primary caregiver, a gender-neutral concept. Child support rarely covers a proportional amount of the expenses incurred by a custodial parent. Child support is for the benefit of the children, as they shouldn't be needlessly deprived because Mommy and Daddy had irreconcilable differences.
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