Our society has been neutered, emasculated, castrated, and feminised. We have become a society so adverse to risk we are raising a generation of children whose first instinct upon hearing the words "safe sex" will be to picture themselves in football pads. We have become so adverse to conflict it took 3000 americans being murdered before we decided to finally participate in the war thats been waged against us for years, and even then we turned our backs on those fighting the minute we realised it wouldnt be a cake walk. We have becoem so adverse to consequences that we seek to shield ourselves form any hint of them, even when they are the direct results of our own actions. We have become so adverse to offense that we gladly censor ourselves, muddle our thinking, and accept the most ludicrous views wihtout any examination, as we are too afraid to laugh at a lunatic. We have become so afraid of not being inclusive that we regularly give the rights and privaleges of citizenship to those who arent even citizens. We muzzle our mouths, fill our heads with nonsense, willingly stop our ears and cover our eyes so that we cant see or hear the collapse of our nation and our people, and bind our own hands so that we cant do anything to stop it. Any hint of the paternal, of the masculine has ripped from our culture in the name of equality, and replaced with gender neurtral prattle. Any hint of achievement has been replaced by entitlement. The spoils no longer go to the victor, but to the loudest victim in the crowd. We have become a nation of children. Children suckling at the teat of our government, spanked when necessary by our police and courts, educated by our media, and validated by our confromity with the herd.
Men are afraid to be men, women are ashamed to be women, children are treated like adults and adults are coddled like children.
And why has this happened?
Why have we demonised, deprecated, denied an entire set of impulses, instincts, and desires? Why have we decided that a Man's desire is inherantly pernicious, a Man's pride is inherently damaging, and that "Manly" itself is a trait without meaning or value?
Becasue of feminism, in the name of sexual equality, and of social progress.
And in the process? We have educated an entire of generation of women to take pride in acting like trollops, to seek empowerment through whining, to fight for equality through discrimination, to seek justice through false accusations, to celebrate their lives through the deaths of the unborn, to hide their insecurities in hedonism, and that their most basic instincts are chains of opression.
We have done this becasue we have forgotten the core truth about the sexes, they are not in opposition, they are not opposites, and yet nor are they the same. Manly is not defined as "anything that is not feminine" any more than feminine is defined as anything that isnt masculine, but neither is feminine and manly interchangible.
Male and Female are simply two halves of the same whole, we are not adversaries, we are complimentary. We have been designed to support and give succor to each other. Where one is weak the other is strong and where both are strong they are even stronger. And yet, despie this, we are engaged in a war of the sexes.
Why must this be so? Why must there be such venom, such rage, such hate?
Becasue the dominant social theory of our time is feminism. We can see its vicious effect at work in family courts, where the core assumption is that even a bad mother is usually better than a abd dad. We see it in the domestic vioplence courts where with a single unsupported report, a woman can kick a man out of his own and file a restraining order to keep him away, even if she has no claim to his home. We see it it the criminal courts, where a crazy woman who beleives that David Letterman has been sexually harrasing her via secret messages in his broadcast is granted a restraining order against him. We saw it in the scandl surround the Duke Lacrosse team, where a legion of men and women were all to willing to string innocent young men up from the nearest tree becasue anytime a woman accuses rape it actually happened. We saw it in the aftermath as well, when even though the accuser had been shown to be lying, many still wanted to string up those boys because "besides all men are rapists anyhow"
We see when a woman graduates from the fire or police academies becasue the standards were lowered and the tests were watered down. Just as we see it when we see a qaulified man without a job, because a less qualified woman had to "have the playing field leveled" We see it when women breastfeed in public, and those who feel it's not a public activity are demonised and hounded. I saw it when a cop arrested my buddy for "domestic violence" despite his girlfriend not having a mark on her and he having 8 defensive wounds on his arms and his blood on the knife she was holding. I saw it when the courts picked up the charges after she dropped them, and when she came to testify on his behalf, where the judge and prosectuors treated her like a traitor, for daring to drop the charges.
We see it when a radio host is fired for calling a woman a "fat lesbian" despite the fact that she is both. We see it when a university president is fired for even hinting that there may be biological reasons for the sexual distibution at elite universities. We see it in sports where women are allowed in the men's locker room, yet male reporters aren't allowed in the female athletes locker rooms. We see it in education, where teaching techniques designed for girls are used on the whole class with predictible results for boys educational achievements. We see it in entertainment where the men are uniformly boorish morons, unless they are gay, and the women are godesses of competance, even if they are gay. We see it when female lab techs falsify evidence against men they know are innocent, becasue no man can really be innocent.
We see it in a society where young men feel increasingly unwanted, and thus are unengaged. We see it in the decline of boxing and other manly arts. We see it in the increasing unwillingness of society to allow men to handle their problems like men, directly. We see it whenever a teacher stops using red pens to grade assignements, becasue red is too "judgemental" We see it whenever we socially promote a kid a grade becaseu we "dont want to damage his self esteem" we see it in the very idea that confidence, self esteem or pride can be given at all. We see it every time we lower standards rather than raising people up.
Everywhere we loook we see a society that is dysfunctional and getting more so every day. The walls are falling down around us, the roof is burning, and the floodwaters are rising. Yet do we try to stop it? Do we even attempt to take back what we have sacrificed?
Of course not. Dont be an idiot. We want to go even further. We want more specialised rights based on sex and gender, we want more special regulations and considerations, we want more action more affrimitvely. We want more men raised by women who dont know what it means to be a man. We want more boys growing up cycnical, isolated, and repressed. We want more men who have never had a right of passage or trial of manhood, that way we know they will never be cured of peter pan syndrome. We want more dunken celebrities to enagage in even more bizarre behavior so that well have something to distract us form the collapse of civilisation. We want our children growing up wrapped in plastic, never knowing or learning how to deal with pain, adversity, or setbacks. We want a generation of hookers and johns, unable to think of sex as other than a commodity to be bought and sold. We want a generation of men who feel shame every time the see and attractive woman, because they are obectifying her.
And we keep on getting it, this and more.
Saturday assorted links
4 hours ago
Men aren't afraid to be men. We just don't want to be assholes like you.
What this psychoticmadman really believes is that people don't want to be like him and share his views.
The truth is that no one gives a shit about his views.
rmm, these are just your opinions and theyre criminally stupid ones.
So everybody is wrong except you? :\
You act like everybody is the same and everybody shares the same characteristics. Is there no deviation in people at all? What about the men who dun wanna be like the way you think men should be? If you find it abhorent to be told how to be and act, why is it okay for you to tell them how to be and act? Why can't ppl just act like the way they want to instead of being defined by their gender or race? Or must we all be defined by our stereotypes?
It just seems very limiting. :( Should white ppl know their place and only be managers? Should asians only know their place and only be computer programmers? Should black ppl only be athletes?
Men ARE men. They can't be nething OTHER than men. But there are ALL sorts of men. Nobody's telling you to be something you dun want to be. And if they are, you dun have to listen to them. :)
You are who you are. You should be proud of it, just as others are proud of who they are and dun want to be changed either :)
Life is full of so much diversity and ideas, I dun think we should limit it. That's what's so great about humanity that we aren't animals, and aren't just defined by our base instincts. That is why God made us different than them. :D
At what point did he insult any of you? Where did he call you names, or demean your family, or bring race into things?
I have to ask this question seriously, because that's the only reason I can see for such vicious attacks at what is a rather simple post.
Let's be honest, people. What was his point? That we, in the name of social equality, are trying a grand experiment in social reprograming. Fact.
That we, in general, treat people that act as the traditional baseline like they are thugs, psychotics, or kooks.
Again, apparently fact. Especialy seing as the first four replies were insults directed at him, rather than discussions of his points. The one that wasn't just base insults completely glossed over his point to attack him as being anti-diversity, a concept he never even brought up.
He does lay the blame on Feminism, which is wrong. That's like blaming a specific cloud for the thunderstorm overhead. The problem is that people don't like the society they live in, but lack the patience to create a new society for themselves, and others that agree with them. Instead, they're trying to take our existing society, and ram their individual societies into it. And because they feel entitled to do just that, anything that supports the original idea is an attack against them.
Adama, do you even know what a fact is?
Ami, spot on.
I really want to see a picture of RMM, to know what a "real man" looks like.
From Dictionary.com
fact /fækt/ [fakt]–noun
1. something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
2. something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.
3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.
4. something said to be true or supposed to have happened: The facts given by the witness are highly questionable.
5. Law. Often, facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence. Compare question of fact, question of law.
—Idioms6. after the fact, Law. after the commission of a crime: an accessory after the fact.
7. before the fact, Law. prior to the commission of a crime: an accessory before the fact.
8. in fact, actually; really; indeed: In fact, it was a wonder that anyone survived.
So, let's compare the two items I stated as facts, and see if I'm correct.
Point 1) We are attempting to re-engineer our social idioms, to become a different society from our previous generations.
Well, socialy it's not acceptable to settle disputes through combat, inherited power is treated as anethima, and people are taught these days that differences in religion, skin color, and sexuality are not to be hated or feared. Thus, point one proven.
And because someone WILL make the comment, I'm not saying that expanding social awareness is a bad thing. I don't hate people on any basis other than personal experience. I have gay and Bi friends, my roommates are an agnostic black computer nerd and a neo-christian of Welsh decent. So, before you can go on your 'hatemonger' replies, I'm alerting you that they have no basis in FACT.
Point 2, and the tricky one... That we treat people that act as people did traditonaly as relics, psychotics, or thugs.
Well, we don't accept habitual racism or nationalism, do we? Those are old traditonal values. So again, my point is proven to be correct from the start.
However, let's go on, shall we?
The following two replies to mine were rather simple. One, avoiding my commentary and criticism, denied that I understood what a fact is. The other returned to personal attacks, rather than challenging his ideas.
If, as Ami says, that a person should be judged by who they are as an individual, rather than how we my judge them on apperances, then what does RMM's appearance matter? For all you know, he's a legless man in a wheelchair. Does that change things? A Black man, or the buff white guy in a wife-beater shirt. Does any of that matter, in comparison to the concepts that he's espoused?
So far, noone has actualy brought up his concepts themselves, aside from me. And I pointed out that he lays too much blame on feminism. Of course, I also note that he's said nothing about women's rights, just about a certain segment of feminism's ideas as to how to gain gender equality.
And though I expect noone will bother to read my reply down to this point, I place this challenge to you all. Try replying based on this key concept he presented.
'We are trying to enforce gender equality by favoring one gender over the other.'
In, as his stated points, women are looked on more often as the victim than the male, to the degree that direct evidence of the opposite is often ignored.
And, as his second point, standards that are set for males are lowered for females, so that they can be 'equal'.
And while I'm at this subject, I think the lowering of standards to let women place in positions is the biggest and most hurtfull sexist thing we have done in this century. We don't ask them to reach the same standards, or even expect them to be ABLE to. Instead, we make things 'easier' on the 'poor, opressed' women.
Am I the only one insulted by the assumed lack of capability? The assumption that women cannot succeed unless we 'level' the playing field?
"Point 1) We are attempting to re-engineer our social idioms, to become a different society from our previous generations.
Well, socialy it's not acceptable to settle disputes through combat, inherited power is treated as anethima, and people are taught these days that differences in religion, skin color, and sexuality are not to be hated or feared. Thus, point one proven."
That's not "proof." No examples, no sources. That's observation on your part - a perspective, an OPINION. What you see as deliberate "re-engineering" can be interpreted as a natural society shift in values. The FACT that it's up for debate means that neither perspective is a fact.
Your language betrays your logic.
I don't always agree with what you write but at least you are trying to apply thought to your opinions. You may find this article interesting.
And thanks for your kind words from a couple weeks ago
To Rob S.
Yes Im aware of that. Thats why the heavy lifting falls to me. Only assholes can speak the truth in a PC world.
To ami
No men are not just men.all Males are males, not all males are MEN. Manhood is not conferred by genital status, its is eearned by action. There is a standard of manhood, one which has we ourselves have created and maintain. This standard has been under attack for years. Feminists dont like the standard, they want it brought down. The very idea of manhood, as something seperate from personhood, or womanhood, is anathema to feminism. That is the problem.
To Adama Geist
You're right of course. Its not all the fault of feminism, afterall dueling was outlawed prefeminism. However feminism has sped up the process immensely, and created a way to draft men themselves into their campaign.
To Vince Moore =
I always try to think things throgh, though i admit the mad side often conflicts witht thre rational side. And yeah that article was truly enlightening. I always wondered why so many males seem afflicted with this misandrist madness. Now I'm really glad my folks prefered to drink soda from the old school glass bottles.
You live a sad existence if you can't be secure with your gender that you have to aspire to being more than your gender, i.e. "MEN."
To adama - After reading your post again I felt you deserved a better response, seeing as you did pare my arguments down to its essentials. However the article Vince provided had me ruminating for hours.
Naturally I saw a vast left wing conspiracy to feminise and servilify americans into a an oprah watching nation of federal housewives living off of daddy dole. Then my thoughts got really weird. Naturally the templars were involved, but then I do state up front that I am mad.
All of which is a long way of saying nice comment, but theres no need to defend me. I love being insulted and offended becasue it reminds me I still live in a free country.
Did I mention I stark raving looney like a light bulb battered bug?
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