Officials at Virginia Tech have proven they failed to learn any lesson at all from Seung-Hui Cho murderous rampage last year during which he killed 30 unarmed people before turning his gun on himself. In a move so absurd I would have criticised any writer who came up with the idea of jumping the shark; Va Tech officials are turning Norris Hall into a Peace Center. According to Jeri Childers, outreach program director, officials will begin planning the program for the peace studies center early next year. A minor concentration in the study of peace will probably be offered, she said.
When will people learn? They made Va Tech a "gun free zone" in the hopes of preventing gun violence, the sole success of which was to allow Seung-Hui Cho to kill as many as he did before he stopped himself with a bullet through the brain. Now they turn the site of his rampage into a "Peace studies" center, thereby guaranteeing no one will learn the lessons which could prevent another attack like this from happening, or at least from being as bad.
What makes this move truly absurd though; is the events of the recent Church of new Life killings, in which a former policewoman, Jeanne Assam brought a similarly motivated madman's rampage to an early end through the judicious and skilled use of force. Peace does not come by protesting for it, studying it, or giving it a chance. Peace is achieved by being too strong to attack. Va has guaranteed themselves, that there will be no peace on that campus. If anything this blatantly emasculated plan may well inspire more attacks.
Once again I am become Wonko the sane, and am thankful I live outside the asylum.
Markets in everything?
7 hours ago
"Peace is achieved by to strong to attack."
If you're going to come to this country LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH.
Go back to your home country, Redneckland.
Well woooweee.Lookey here clem, we got us a angry eeleetisst liburuhl on our hands aint we?
Sure do billy bob, looks like one of the norhern screecher varieties.
You seddit clem woohoo GitRdun!
Was that English? I don't think so.
Ah, he still thinks every anonymous post is the same person. Maybe he thinks it's the Easter Bunny.
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