I know I've been mostly slamming the femi-nazi's, because at the moment they are the loudest voice of "protest" in the comics community. But they aren't the only ones out there who want to create "equality" by oppressing others. I have coined a term for these types of people. Minoritists, IE People who believe ones level of freedom should be determined by ones minority status or lack thereof. I also stated that there seems to be a clear attempt to indoctrinate people into becoming minortitsts, and that many of those doing the indoctrination worked in higher education. In addition as many of you know one of the reasons I was baned from SBC is due to my expression of these views. Both Thom Young and Michael Aronson took offense to this viewpoint naturally.
I wonder how they would react to a major state funded university classifying all members of a given race as racists?
Lets face it, this should be front page news on every paper in the US right? Not only is the University of Delaware classifying every white man and woman alive as a racist, and recommends psychiatric treatment for their "incorrect attitudes regarding class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality" Hmm so if all whites are racists, then by definition anyone entering the U of D who is white needs treatment. Does anyone else think this sounds a lot like the Former Soviet union?
Meanwhile, Dick Cheney hangs out in a house which has a rebel flag hanging in the garage, and its on every paper.
No really, I searched three terms "Cheney, Flag, Rebel," and got 192 results.
When I searched "university, Delaware, racist" I got 4 results.
Now granted the Confederate battle Flag is a touchy subject, and it is due to its history closely associated with racism. However there are also a good number of people who see it simply as a cultural artifact of the south. Hell I've seen Black Guys in Atlanta wearing Confederate flag Bandanna's. Yet somehow, the VP going to a club who's owner may be racist is more "newsworthy" than a US university actively teaching all of its students that all whites are racists and that minorities can never be racist, and then forcing those students who disagree to undergo counseling for it?
This program, minoritist thought, and feminist thought all stem from the same exact font. The central concept seems to be "anyone who is not a victim, is a predator". and its corollary "victims should be given more power, while predators should be oppressed, in order to level the playing field."
Honestly, whats the difference between the idea that "all whites are racists" and "all men are rapists"?
Again and again what we see, is that these types of people are hypocrites. Ragnell bitches about misogyny and makes misandrist statements doing it. U of D complains about racism and makes a racist statement while doing it. Cheryl Lynn bitches when comics don't label themselves as "for men" and then bitches when wizard does. I mean are any of these people capable of seeing anything other than other peoples sins?
So to all you misandrists, racists, minoritists, sexists, feminists and istists, Take a look in the fucking mirror why don't you?
Markets in everything?
7 hours ago
That's not activism, that's racism :O
I dun approve! >:| Not all white ppl are racists! And ppl of colour can CERTAINLY be racist! My extended family is SO racist and they're Asian >_>;;
Hatred and illogic are NOT limited to any "group". And the way to fight racism is not to just be racist against white ppl either >:\
For once we agree.
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