Monday, October 29, 2007

Further thoughts on the Emasculation of America.

My last post on the subject got quite a few posts, which in turn stimulated some more random thoughts, and helped me to help understand some of my own reactions. Before I get to the meat though a couple appetisers.

Jeff over at the conditional axe, made an observation that I think in many ways, underscores the damage feminist philosophy has done

I do have a hard time envisioning her in any kind of Donna Reed

Now think about that. Granted Barda was a hardcore, bad ass, take no prisoners warrior. But why should that preclude her from also being a Donna reed type? If we assume that by "Donna reed type" Jeff meant a stereotypical 50's housewife who cooks, cleans, and manages to do so wearing pearls, then perhaps there is a case to be made.However she wasn't portrayed as any such thing in the comic. Rather both Scott and Barda were portrayed as two people who shared in the domestic chores, and in fact used their day job, to determine the split of said chores. So i am left to interpret Jeff's comment as meaning he can see Barda ever stepping in a kitchen at all, as it somehow contradicts with her "warriorness"?

But does it? The Israeli army was among the first to not only allow women to assume combat roles traditionally reserved for men, but to actively encourage it. Yet many full time active duty Israeli women are also mothers and wives, and many return home to cook and clean for their families. They see no contradiction between warrior credibility and domestic bliss, because there isn't one. Only when one has drunken enough feminist kool aid does one even see such a contradiction. Only when one assumes that traditional domestic roles are somehow incompatible with more "progressive and gender neutral roles" does that opinion even form.

Let me put it this way, I am a very "manly" man. I don't merely mean this in a behavioral way but also in a purely biological way. I have an extremely high sperm count, (more on that in a minute) am quite large, with a full manly beard and thick dense hair. I have very bushy eyebrows, thick bones, and a fairly well developed musculature for a guy who spends 10-12 hours a day in meetings and negotiations. Nothing about me reads as feminine, a gay friend of mine once described me as " a perfect fantasy of masculine virility" The language people usually choose to associate with me is across the board traditional male, IE "cowboy" "ballsy" etc.

However none of this precludes me form helping out around the house. Every weekend I wake up and cook my wife and I breakfast, usually consisting of fried eggs, bacon and sausage. I don't do so because she asks me to, or because I feel obligated, I do it because I enjoy it. I pend 5 days a week doing Biz-dev for my firm, talking to, and negotiating with, high level corporate execs, usually VP or higher, and every conversation is a power struggle. So on the weekends its nice to spend some time on something simple and easy that gives me instant gratification. It doesn't make me any less manly than it does a cowboy who cooks on the trail, or a firefighter who cooks at the firehouse. So why should Barda's domestic activities make her less in any way shape or form? Hell you know what? Just go read Scipio's comments, over at the absorbsacon, for all i know he/she may well be be meaning this post as sarcastic, but even if so Scipio gets it right. Just as Stephen Colbert occasionally says something in his parody of conservatives that we actually believe, even if this is sarcastic its dead on accurate.

Meanwhile Anon, A mouse, who has been consistently impressing me by the way, pointed out a very telling, and very important trend. While femi-fans manage to pull the old misogyny gun with a speed that would make Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday do a double take, how often have you every heard them praise any issue, no matter how "womyn-positive" or "gender neutral" the portrayal is? Yeah I've never heard them do it either. Which goes back to Vince Moore's often referenced post as well. When someone only criticise's and never praises, it causes the opposite effect intended. Doesn't matter whether the subject is dogs, children, or the comic industry, if you only use the stick, you gonna get in a lot of stick fights, while a little carrot can go a long way.

Also an Honorable mention to Yonatan bryant for very succinctly pointing out that the same people who scream the shrillest when a female character is being "objectified" engage in the exact same behavior themselves.

Meanwhile a beaucoup kevin, (who I might add deleted my first comment on his blog because it was "flame worthy" despite the fact that at least 2 other posters said the exact same thing I did, and used more inflammatory language to do so) makes a joke pretty much equivalent to the "crankshaft" joke which caused so much uproar. The difference being that instead of joking that old women don't get raped, he instead furthered the stereotype than all men are rapists. Of course that wont get any attention at all.

Now in the last post of this series, Vince Moore over at the Omnium gathering, referred me to an article than has lit my random thoughts with a madman's fire. The article, which postulates a link between the increase in phthalates and the decline in male fertility and virility since the 50's. I had been aware of this trend previously, but I had always assumed it was a psychosomatic reaction to the feminising of our culture. By which I mean that I had always hypothesised that as men began acting more feminine, their bodies simply read their subconscious motivation and manifested a sympathetic physical condition. I had always half assumed the same reaction led to the (seeming) correlation between homosexual "catchers" and body sizes/styles. (by which I mean it seems to me that most of the homosexuals males who act the most feminine also seem to be smaller and more lightly built, as if their bodies were trying to make them more feminine. Although perhaps Mad Thinker Scott can shed some light on whether he has made similar observations, as he has far more experience than I)

The idea that the cause could be environmental led me to some other observations. First let me preface by saying that I have a very high sperm count. Even by 50's standards its high. From the beginning of my sexual adventures at 15 (yes I was a late bloomer) to my 28th year of life, I had never had unprotected sex. I had had quite a bit of sex, but I ALWAYS wrapped my willie. Primarily this was because of my mom. You see my mom was a dental hygienist for years, and as such, had to take yearly re-education courses on blood borne diseases. Suffice it to say, I was told horror stories of the effects of STD's regularly. Surprisingly however there was no effort made to demonise my young sexual urges. In fact on those occasions when my mom found my collection of adult reading material, she never even commented. Years later when I asked why she was so cool about it she said "you were a boy, it was natural" As a result, I never had any real hangups about sex itself, I didn't ever view it as a potential source of fear, but I knew the risks and figured that if I didn't know a woman well enough to trust her with my wallet, then trusting her with the health of my dick was probably not a good idea. As a result, the first woman I ever had unprotected sex with, was my fiancee (now wife). Within a 2 months of us beginning to have unprotected sex, my wife suffered an ectopic pregnancy, which ruptured her fallopian tube. The doctors told us afterwards that the fetus was approximately 2 months old. I later did the math and realised that she must have gotten pregnant pretty much the very first time we had unprotected sex. (which made me very thankful for my previous care in sexual encounters, had I behaved like many men my age, I would have been a father several times over by 18) This is despite the fact that she has an oddly shaped uterus which makes her only about half as fertile as the average woman, and the fact that she was on the pill at the time. I've since had my sperm count tested and was told I'm in the top 1% worldwide. Naturally I found this quite validating. (the test, not my wife's ectopic pregnancy, in point of fact her fear and my guilt led to us having a quite reduced sex life for a while) All of which is a very long winded way of saying that perhaps the reason I can see the feminising of our culture so clearly, is due to the increased sperm count? Perhaps it is this very feminsation of the male body which has blinded so many men to the process of feminising on a societal level? Could it be that rather than being psychosomatic, the physical trend is actually causing the societal trend?I don't know. What I do know, is that when we do decide to have kids, the wife and I ain't letting them drink out of plastic.


Scott (The Mad Thinker) Anderson said...

Scott, in my msot recent post on the emascultion of america, I stated an observation that im not sure I have enough experience to even call an observation. Have you seen any correlation between body sixe and body type and wheter a homosexual man akes on the feminine or masculine role in the relationship? It seems to me that there are a lot more short, thin, gay femmes (is that even thr right term? Catcher? bototm what?) that there are tall muscular ones. is this essentially correct?

Absolutely not. I don’t know if you are familiar with the term “bear” as it relates to the gay community, but if not, I’m sure a little research will clue you in. In my experience, which is … umm … ample, there is no shortage of bear bottoms. An observation that I’ve heard echoed with unparalleled uniformity. Further, there is a saying that goes “Bitch on the streets, butch in the sheets” that was coined because of the surprising tendency of those skinny drag queens to be tops.

However, I can say because I am 6’5” and furry, it seems that most guys seem to want men like me to be tops. But there are lots of short guys out there who are very, very much tops and have been ever so willing to prove it to me.

You can’t tell by looking, which is why that hanky code that used to be around was so helpful. Sadly, it’s now considered gauche.

BTW, I can’t begin to tell you what a hysterical belly laugh you would give gay men if you said to them that those muscle queens were probably tops. I’m snickering right now.

Rational Mad Man said...

Scott, I already sent this via email, but i have reposted it here as well.
Thanks for the info. Like I said this was one area where I knew I didn't really have the experience or understanding to really consider it a valid observation. However I hadn't realised it would create an unintentional comedy factor. Interesting phenomonon though. I never would have expected those who work so hard to appear manly would take on the feminine role. Do you think it might be related to the same psychology that causes many executives and other powerful men to enjoy domination? I once chatted for a while with a dominatrix on south beach who said all her clients are uniformly very rich and very powerful. And not just because of what she charges which was my first thought. Apparently they spend so much time dominating, they have a need to be dominated.

Anonymous said...

"What I do know, is that when we do decide to have kids, the wife and I ain't letting them drink out of plastic."

You know you're a redneck when . . .

Scott (The Mad Thinker) Anderson said...

It's a running joke in the gay community that I wouldn't expect anyone else to find inherently funny, but for us, it is.

Apparently they spend so much time dominating, they have a need to be dominated.

If she's expensive, that might be the reason she only sees wealthy powerful guys because I know from experience that it isn't just wealthy powerful guys who like that. And I’m willing to be we’d find that the more passive, expensive hookers had plenty of guys who wanted to be the dominant one.

never would have expected those who work so hard to appear manly would take on the feminine role.

You are making two errors in thinking here. The first is that it is an attempt to look “manly” instead of an attempt to look “sexy.” Certainly, for some guys it is an attempt to look manly, but for a lot of guys it’s an attempt to look sexy, which is not quite the same thing. I could introduce you to some well built drag queens. Second, you are assuming that gay men divide into roles and that when they do they divide them into masculine and feminine. Top and bottom are frequently not strict roles, and they rarely get divided based on who is feminine and who is masculine. There are plenty of bottom guys who look hyper-masculine but who are bottoms. Bottom does not necessarily mean feminine. A lot of bottoms take pride in the idea that they can “take it like a man.” What they will do is looked at more as how tough they are rather than how feminine they are. I could show you videos were both the top and bottom guys are built, tattooed, scruffy guys who incorporate guys things like punching, spitting, and beer into their sex to eroticize it by making it not just masculine, but hyper-masculine.

Personally, I do suspect that there is a connection between biological brain functions and the type of guy a gay man is attracted to. There have been several studies that have found trends in differences between how men and women tend to think and the types of body types they like. I strongly suspect that guys who think more like the trends found in women tend to like guys who are tall, broad-shoulder, and thin hipped, but gay men who think more in line with the trends found more commonly in men find guys who are busty with broad hips sexy. The whole theory is too long to go into here and I’d really like to do some scientific research before pressing the theory too hard, but anecdotally, it seems to stand up.

Rational Mad Man said...

If she's expensive, that might be the reason she only sees wealthy powerful guys because I know from experience that it isn't just wealthy powerful guys who like that. And I’m willing to be we’d find that the more passive, expensive hookers had plenty of guys who wanted to be the dominant one.


Actually that was my first thought. That her prices self selected a more affluent maket. But she didnt seem to think it was the case. Now it could have just been that I was in a nice suit and she thought I was a possible client and was just just stroking me I dont know.


You are making two errors in thinking here. The first is that it is an attempt to look “manly” instead of an attempt to look “sexy.” Certainly, for some guys it is an attempt to look manly, but for a lot of guys it’s an attempt to look sexy, which is not quite the same thing. I could introduce you to some well built drag queens. Second, you are assuming that gay men divide into roles and that when they do they divide them into masculine and feminine. Top and bottom are frequently not strict roles, and they rarely get divided based on who is feminine and who is masculine. There are plenty of bottom guys who look hyper-masculine but who are bottoms. Bottom does not necessarily mean feminine. A lot of bottoms take pride in the idea that they can “take it like a man.” What they will do is looked at more as how tough they are rather than how feminine they are. I could show you videos were both the top and bottom guys are built, tattooed, scruffy guys who incorporate guys things like punching, spitting, and beer into their sex to eroticize it by making it not just masculine, but hyper-masculine.

Its funny but I've often pointed out that men being muscular in comics are hypersensitized, but I guess Id just hadn't fully look at all the angles. And while I find the concept fascinating in a dry and intellectual way, you'll understand if I dont take you up on your movie reccomendations. As to your second point, yes I suppose I was.


That actually sounds really interesting. Especially using a wide spectrum sex/preference crossover sample.

Except of course that those studies and all like it are made-up lies of the patriarchy unless they show no significant correlation between sex and, and, well sex.

Rational Mad Man said...

You know you're a redneck when . . .

You can name every "you know you're a redneck joke"?
Funnier still you can also identify the Chris Rock "I hate Niggers" version.
And think the funniest shit in the world would be Jeff Foxworthy and Chris Rock doing a road show on race called "The Redneck/Nigger coalition: Poor white trash and poor black trash together at last?

Scipio said...

"for all i know he/she may well be be meaning this post as sarcastic,"

I confirm that my post was not intended as sarcastic (except to the degree that it intentionally inverts the commentary and reading many so-called feminist bloggers have imposed on the scene at issue).

I thought the way Barda's death was done was cleverly atypical, and struck at the true heart of the character.

Um... so to speak.

Rational Mad Man said...

Scipio - Cool. I personally didnt know as much about her history as you did. It actually makes her character a lot deeper. I might have to check some of her old stuff out.