Theres a great article with Dr Leonard Sax at NRO in which he talks about the continuting problem boys have been facing in society over the last 40 years.
Although he makes great points about chemical and evironmental factors as well as making some good biological observations I can't agree with his absolution of feminism as one of the problems. While I am sure the reaserch into plastics is fascinating there is no doubt that one of the factors which influence sperm and testosterone production are lifestyle. Those boys who enagage in more "masculine" activites produce more of both. Theres aslo ample evidence that the higher participation in masculine activities increases the amounts of both as well.To put it simply, when you act like a girl, your body doesnt feel the need to produce as much of the male sex hormones.
With the almost complete removal of any and all such activites from schools as well as the general culture of risk avoidance it's no surprise that males are producing less testosterone and sperm. This is the inevitable result of banning sports like Dodgeball and more recently Tag, as well as the lack of emphasis on competition and overemphasis on Self Esteem. When we dont allow boys to take risks, to get injured, to get in fights, to be agressive and assertive, when we supress the natural male insticnts, we end up with boys who never grow into men. With the feminisation of our culture boys have been left without the unambigous role models our fathers and grandfathers had and as a result many dont even know what it means to be a man. When coupled with the feminists led trend of devaluing fathers and fatherhood, which makes boys less likely to have a stong male role model at home, we are left with (to paraphrase fight club) "a generation of men raised by women who don't understand what it even means to be a man"
When feminsits have spent the last 40 years devaluing men and our contributions as a way of "lifting up women" demonsing our insticts, urges, and preferences, and indocrinating society with the idea that there is something inherantly uncivilised, brutish, unitelligent, and wrong with our instincts, when we live in a world where "dont be such a boy" is an oft heard playground remark, (even poken by teachers) is it any wonder that men are finding their essential manliness fleeeing?
When we teach boys to act like girls, we end up with boys who cant function as Men.
Sunday assorted links and non-links
37 minutes ago
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