As you can tell from the title this post is going to be all about Sex and Sexual relations in Modern America, as I see them.
And yeah, I expect it might raise some hackles.
Let me be Blunt, I'm a Man. I love being a Man. In point of Fact every time I see my wife waxing, plucking, manicuring, or trying to walk in a particularly high pair of heels, I thank God Almighty I was born with a pair.
Hell every day starts out with a reminder of why I'm so lucky to be a Man. While my wife wakes up a good 45 minutes before I do, we finish getting ready about the same time. She showers, carefully chooses her clothes, puts on her make-up, changes her clothes, washes off her make-up, changes her clothes again, puts on different make-up, does her hair, etc, etc. Me? I wake up, take care of the three S's, throw on whatever clothes I see first, and go.
It takes her about an hour,while I have my morning routine down to about 7 minutes. Literally. (Shaving, showering and brushing my teeth all at the same time helps)
In most things, I have it good. I'm not expected to care about fashion, or style, I don't have to "look pretty", or wear labels. I don't have to pluck, primp, or in general worry about my appearance beyond not having BO, and running a comb through my hair once a month. Even better, unless I'm at work where I have to wear a suit, I can get away with jeans and a T in damn near every situation.
As you might can tell, I love it. I really really do.
Which is why I have so much trouble understanding the whole "metrosexual" trend. Seriously, why in the hell would a guy even want to keep track of fashions, or use lotions, or pluck his eyebrows, or "accessorise"? What man in his right mind would voluntarily choose to adopt the most time consuming, annoying, expensive, and useless habits of a woman? It just doesn't make no sense y'know?
Now I have heard some say that metrosexuality is the logical reaction to feminism, after all if women can become more like men, then why can't men become more like women? And I guess if a guy really wants to be more feminine in his habits, well that's his God given right as an American. But why would he want to?
See now I understand why women wanted to dress more like men, that made sense. Bras look fairly uncomfortable, and most women look better without them anyway. (The ones still fighting the good fight against gravity anyway.) Dresses are a pain in the butt, as I learned on a trip to Scotland when a friend talked me into wearing a kilt after one too many single malts. High heels look great but can't possible be easy to walk in. I mean you take 90% of "women's clothes" and they all got one thing in common. They look good and hurt like hell.
But whats the payoff for the men? I mean guys lets face it, no matter how hard most of us work, no matter hos much we try, we're never gonna be as pretty as most ugly women, much less the beauties. Now I know there are exceptions, especially in Hollywood where the women are women and so are the men, but unless you're Leonardo DiCaprio you ain't got a chance. So why bother wasting you time looking for the latest fashions, Plucking your eyebrows, or getting a facial when you know damn well you're still going to be the same mutt you before you started? You can take my cousins pitbull, wash its coat, manicure its paws, and put it in a dress, and it'll still be a cross eyed freak of nature. And so will you most likely.
Now before any of you metrosexual fashionistas get your panties in a bunch I'll admit it ain't your fault. Its just the way god made us. Women are beautiful creatures, because they are made that way. They are soft, and feminine, and glow radiantly when they smile. And if you atheists out there need any proof that god exists and that he loves us just remember that those angelic creatures somehow manage to find us beer guzzling, gas passing, butt scratching, booger flicking, competitive belching, man apes attractive.
But men? Well hell, most of us look like a cross between Alley Oop and Frankensteins monster and no amount of primping is gonna change that. Its in our nature. Men are kinda like hammers, we may not be much to look at, but well get the job done. We weren't created to look good, we didn't evolve to be pretty, we evolved to go out and hunt down woolly mammoths with a sharpened stick, while our much prettier and smarter mates stayed home, watched the rug rats, and did the gardening.
Now I know I have probably pissed off a whole horde of feminists by now who are just aching to lecture me about how gender ain't nothing but a "societal construct" designed by the "patriarchy" to enable men to "oppress" the fairer sex. And I know they'll happily ignore millions of years of evolution and the existence of separate roles for each of the sexes in damn near every animal that ever lived to do it. But that's OK, I'm a man, I can take it. Its what we do, we endure, and we get the job done.
The way I see it, the problem is really two fold, on the one hand we got a society that's moving further and further away from accepting, much less admiring anything traditionally thought of as manly, like competition, physicality, violence, stoicism, uncompromising surety,or plain old fashioned will. On the other hand we have a society rewarding the many of the traits traditionally thought of as feminine, like compromise, persuasion, reflection, or simply complaining till you get what you want.
We live in a society where everyone has to be nurtured until they can't deal with adversity, shielded from competition so as not to hurt their self esteem, protected from the consequences of their own actions, guided by the hand so they won't make bad choices, and god forbid anything you say ever offends someone.
Now I don't pretend to have all the answers as to why this is happening, or even the first clue how to reverse it. And its not beyond the realm of possibility that I could be dead wrong in everything I say. But at the end of the day, I can't help but see a correlation between the number of men who go to salons to get their hair done as opposed to Barbers, the number of lawsuits rising like a flood tide for everything under the sun, and the fact that its considered offensive to suggest that maybe, just maybe, men and women ain't quite the same.
But then what the hell do I know, I'm just a caveman who was born a few thousand years too late.
Saturday assorted links
3 hours ago
Your theory makes the mistake in assuming that the slovenly look for guys is inherently more masculine. In most species, it is the male that is "dressed up." A look through world history and American history will find that men are often concerned with fashion, make-up, and hair styles.
Scott while I understand your point I have to disagree. IN humans at least, slovenly is manly. It shows conifidence, lack of concern with others opinions, and that we are too busy to care about inconsequesntial issues.
"Women are beautiful creatures, because they are made that way. They are soft, and feminine, and glow radiantly when they smile (compared to) beer guzzling, gas passing, butt scratching, booger flicking, competitive belching, man apes...
But men? Well hell, (they) look like a cross between Alley Oop and Frankensteins (sic.) monster and no amount of primping is gonna change that. (Women are) prettier and smarter."
You've just admitted to being genetically and biologically inferior. Why the fuck are you still alive? Go shoot yourself in the head and help out the new matriarchy.
The fact is you believe women are prettier, smarter, and more competent, at least in modern society. Therefore your "race" is obsolete. KILL YOURSELF. Why the hell are you misandrist bastards still alive? How can you think of yourselves this way?
The fact is we've wandered straight into a world in which men are considered little more than biological trash - a view held by almost 100% of men and 100% of women. This is the end-point of equality? I think we need to nuke ourselves - get it over with sooner rather than later. The alternative is ten years down the line we get herded into ovens. That's the only future I can see for people with a Y chromosome.
...aaand I've just realised this is an "anti-feminist" blog. Dear God in Heaven help us all.
Sorry. I'm very sorry I made the above comments. The fact is I did a huge study on radical feminism and its view of men about a year ago and it led me into a virtual nervous breakdown.
I came to your site looking for a gender critique on the work of Garth Ennis and didn't realise you had anti-feminism articles. My problem with this piece is that if you take the sentiments I quoted and put them in the mouth of someone like, e.g. Gail Simone, I'm sure you would recognise them as misandrist in a heartbeat.
Why would you praise and elevate a class of people that hate you, think you inferior, and in some cases are petitioning for your death? In Primo Levi's "If This Is A Man"* Levi finds himself interviewed by a German doctor in the death camp. He has his own supposedly dysgenic features pointed out to him and finds himself thinking, not "I am so pathetic, I deserve death," but "blue eyes and fair hair are essentially wicked."
To me, that's a perfectly sane response. Radical feminists know it - that's why in response to alleged demonisation of women by men they reject male beauty and promote lesbianism instead. I'm not suggesting men embrace homosexuality (no) but at the very least we should reject the beauty standard that deifies women.
Do you actually find women attractive? I don't any more, and try not to think that way. I whole-heartedly repent of any heterosexual thoughts I have had in the past, as they only serve what I see as a hostile memeplex.
No, no, no. I'm sorry again. I'm getting involved in this stuff once more when I shouldn't even be looking at it because it so messes me up. Please ignore me :(
* As inappropriate as the analogy may seem coming out of a historical period of apparent male dominance, I'm as convinced as anything in my life that in a few years it will be a precise analogy.
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