Monday, December 3, 2007

Gene Simmons is Da Shit!

Q: How are you able to keep your Superman stuff and other comics from being
thrown out?

A: Well, I own everything, you see. It's my house and my
stuff. I don't get the you-live-with-a-woman and she can say "we" and "ours."
No, that doesn't play in my house. It's my house. I bought it. You bought it.
It's your stuff, not our stuff.

Can I get a Amen? Can I get a Hell Yeah? Can I get a Testify?
Lay in on me brother Gene.

Its amazing how many women believe this bullshit, what I find even more inconceivable, is how many supposed feminists buy into this. It constantly amazes me how many supposed feminists try to increase their own "value" by appropriating their mans achievements, accomplishments, and property.

I see this all time,take my step-mother for example(please). She is a full-time stay at home mom. Furthermore she has never had a career. While both her brothers and her sister went to university and got degrees, she became a stenographer, married my father (attorney she met in court), and hasn't worked a day since. Now understand, I don't think there's anything wrong with a woman not working, or being a stay at home mom. Personally I think more women should take pride in making their children their priority. The problem is though, she tries to use his career accomplishments, as a way of legitimising herself. Hell just the other day she had the gall to offer my wife career advice. Which is even funnier when you consider my wife has a PhD, and makes almost as much a year as I do. Hell for much more well known example look at Hillary Clinton. Beyond a few entry level jobs after college, Hillary has never accomplished anything beyond supporting Bill, yet when he got elected, she took it to mean "we are the President"

Even stranger is the fact that so many people are willing to accept these women's contentions at face value. How many senators or congressmen have died, only for their wives to take their place, even being elected to his position because they were his wife? Now in some ways this might reflect attitudes of property and inheritance, and in some I guess its a holdover from the practises of royalty, but what I cant figure out, is why, in this day and age, we are still so susceptible to such nonsense? What makes someone think that their spouses accomplishments give them any increased statue, and more importantly, why do we go along with it?

Once again, feminist silence on this subject speaks volumes. Even though there's no doubt that this idea is sexist, even though a ideology which actually preached equality between the sexes would judge each persona by their own accomplishments, feminists have no interest in anything that would require women to compete honestly. As a result millions of "feminists" are championing a woman of no accomplishment, who's only claim to fame is having the foresight to choose the "right" husband. How very,.......feminist.


Anonymous said...

Reactionist Mad Man looks to Gene Simmons as a paragon of wisdom. How very . . . insane.

Anonymous said...

It seems like you might have some issues with your stepmother. Perhaps this has influenced your opinion of women on the whole?