I know a lot of you out there in the wild frontiers of the Internet have drunken deeply enough from the feminist Kool-aid to actually believe that feminism is about women, and more specifically equality between men and women, but if this is so, why do so many feminist oppose our efforts at reforming the middle east?
Why has feminist become synonymous with opposition to the Iraq war? Isn't toppling a regime with actual, officially sanctioned, government funded rape rooms a valid feminist concern? Doesn't a nation containing such, qualify as enough of a "rape culture" to warrant their attentions?
Of course not. Because feminism isn't even really about women. Its about power. And one can not gain domestic power, unless one draws attention to a problem at home. Pointing out the hugely anti-woman policies of say Saudi Arabia, or Iran, while a valid criticism, wont allow feminists to pass Domestic Violence laws here in the US which assume men are always the aggressor, even when they clearly are not. (as in the case of my friend whose girlfriend attacked him with a butcher's knife. Despite the fact that he was one who called the cops, and that he had what were clearly defensive wounds on his arms, or the fact that she was completely unmarked, he was the one who went to jail. To add insult to injury, once he made bail he was informed that due to a restraining order he could not return to his home, as she had taken up residence there in the interim, despite not being on the mortgage, or having lived there previously. In fact it took him over 9 months, before the police would allow him to return to his home, by which time 90% of his possessions had been sold or given away, and his house was destroyed. Oh yeah and when he tried to press charges against her for ruining his home, getting rid of his possessions, and leaving him with a repair bill in excess of $20,000, his Judge, a noted feminist, threw the case out before it even went to trial. He had to appeal three times just to finally get a judgement for half the damage caused, and she still hasn't paid, almost 5 years later) Pointing out that the Quran officially states women are worth half a man in both inheritance, wrongful death suits, and legal testimony, doesn't create a framework under which feminists can pass "sexual harassment laws that criminalise male sexuality. You see the reason feminists, for the most part, ignore Islamic misogyny, and instead focus on perceived Western/Christian misogyny, is that at their core, feminists know their ideology just uses women as an convenient excuse to justify a anti-equality power grab.
After all its far easier to bitch, whine, and gnash their teeth over whether Wonder Woman is wearing a T-back, or a thong, and in the process demonise and vilify any male creator who doesn't worship at the alter of the "Great Hive Vagina" than it is to actually support an effort to drain a real swamp of misogyny. Its far easier to support Mrs. Bill Clinton, than to actually try to help any of the millions of women who are truly living under a repressive rape culture. Not too mention supporting an effort to bring freedom and self rule to a people who have been oppressed by a madman for decades would get them kicked out of the leftist club.
Take a gander at this "feminist mental giant" for example. While simultaneously recognising that Islam is a brutal, oppressive and truly misogynistic culture, she is unable to stop blaming the west for the fact that Islamic nations have brutal, oppressive, and misogynistic cultures.
And this, more than any other, is why feminist will never, ever, admit that equality has ever been reached. Because as long as America is still a "sexist patriarchy" they still have the excuse to push their blatantly anti-male platform. As long as there are sexist inequities, then they have a good reason for their sexist dogma. And the only way feminists would ever give up such a excuse, is if they had sated their totalitarian desire for power. And as Mrs Bill Clinton exemplifies, a true feminist has an unquenchable desire for power over others, and absolutely no compunctions about using it when gained.
Milei Implements Peer Approval for Food
55 minutes ago
they really should stop amssing power
Do those critical of the establishment ever matter?
Except after they become the establsihment?
Ive heard of some. why?
Look I dont really care about the different branches of feminism or comparing them. To put it in feminsit terms, "while there may be differences between each of the branches of feminsm, theres more variation among feminist overall than among the different branches, therfore the different branches shouldnt be treated differently."
So by feminist own logic, there should be no differentiation made between margaret sanger, gloria steinham, and anyone else you mentioned right?
Well, except that's not exactly feminist logic. Marxist-feminist logic, MAYBE. Radfem logic, MAYBE.
You're critical of the establisment, RMM? You count? Sigh. Nope. Reshuffle, where's the smart guys in that head of yours?
I'm gonna keep pokin ya till the smart personality comes out one of these days, and then you and I can have ourselves a real conversation, one cheesecake-lovin, red blooded american conservative to another. Come on, smart personality, I know yer in there...
zhinxy, don't get your hopes up
Not agreeing with you and not seeing it your way does not mean that this man does not have intelligence.
So since you said that his statement was not exactly feminist logic and did not then explain what was incorrect about it, what was it that made it not "exact"?
Sounds to me that it was exact.
But I am not a feminist or female so I guess I don't "understand".
But I would like to. Honestly.
Tell me what wasn't exact or tell me what exact feminist logic is.
In all honesty, there is none. It's a broad category. (pun intended)
It covers more libertarian anarchistic women like Wendy McElroy,
More conservative women like Christina Hoff Sommers.
Democratic NOW types like ole' Gloria Steinem.
Sex workers rights activists like Scarlett the Harlot
Radical anti-pornography types like Andrea Dworkin.
Ecofeminists like Vendanta Shiva
All it has in common is a recognition of sexism, and a focus on female issues in dealing with the problem.
Hence, the idea that "differences in the branches don't matter" is disengenuous. They do matter.
As for getting my hopes up, other anonymous? I'm not, but what the hey.
OK, so somehow I managed to post this respons ont he wrong page.
Radfem? I dont think so zhinxy, every single feminist I have ever spoken to, regardless of flavor, uses the exact same logic I just did to explain why men and women really arent different
Basically the logic goes like this, allthough the average man and average woman do have different average heights, weights, etc. theres more variation among men or women than between men and women, therefore the diffence is irelevant, and both should be treated exactly the same, and furthermore statments such as "men are stronger than women (physically) are invalid.
now if I got that wrong i apologize, but I dont think I did. Now if that "logic" is valid re men and women, why sint it just as valid for the differeing flavors of feminism? Given that theres as much if not more variation among "eco-feminists" as there is between "second wave" and "third wave feminist" why shouldnt I treat all branches of feminism exactly the same?
Because I don't see why that logic is relevant for men and women. And yes, there are feminists dealing with biology and gender difference in various ways. In other words, I do think you got it wrong. Hey, no skin off my back though.
Fair enough zhinxy, then please elaborate.
I am all ears (really, Im not being sarcastic)
Absolely, and never be afrad to call me a fucktard when im being one, its the easiest way to earn my respect.
click on my blogger profile, I should be emailable.Was that you I called a shrivled clit? I dont remeber what insults they use on who honestly.
Was that you I called a shrivled clit?
If I remember correctly, you called me that on lj then deleted. :p
But I could be wrong. ;)
possibly, I really dont remeber either, allthough it sounds like me.
"never be afrad to call me a fucktard when im being one, its the easiest way to earn my respect."
You like it when people talk dirty to you? Ah, a sadist AND masochist.
Of course Im a masochist, Im married.
I don't think your mom qualifies as a wife.
is that really the best you can do?
yes you are sad
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