Kadymae pointed out this little gem, naturally she was appluading it.
But notice page 4?
Notice how the sentiment in reinforced by page 8?
Now I wont argue that the types of cat-calls she speaks of are inept to say the least. But to equate them with agression? Particualrly agression worthy of macing someone?
Finally notice the last panel, see the word unwanted? Isn't that what this is all really about? Ever notice the guys women are attracted to almost never get hit by sexual discrimination charges?
See what poor little rachel doesnt seem to understand, is that noone can "degrade" you, wihtout your permission. Someone who isn't on an estrogen laced, simply illustrated ego trip, would realise that such inept behavior reflects upon the caller, not the callee.
Becasue at the end of the day, mens abillity to speak freely, even if ineptly must be restricted so that women can feel better, and only good looking and skillful catcallers may be allowed to do so. becasue ots all about how women feel. Nothing else matters. Not even basic rights, and god forbid we epect people to be as tolerant of socially inept males as say, nazi rallies.
Saturday assorted links
4 hours ago
"Becasue at the end of the day, mens abillity to speak freely, even if ineptly must be restricted so that women can feel better"
How about before speaking freely, you try typing legibly and not like an illiterate hick Klan member.
Well lookey heah little feller. I aint got no fancy educayshun so whyn't (sea I uzed an apostrafy) you just go on an tongue kiss your sister and shut yer yap?
Maybe I'm just "ghey," but I don't see what's so manly about repeatedly getting kicked off a comic book message board.
Named after the great greek warrior Persistus, who managed to holdeth backeth an army of PMS fueledeth amazons from over-taking, and pillaging a small, chocolate making, village whilst armed with only a single sign. The back of the sign read "free chocolate line forms here" The front read "wait here for chocolate train". He then proceedeth to walk in a circle for 3 risings and falling of the sun and moon untill thier rampageous desires abateth.
Hark Men of all tribes and creeds, remembereth "Persistus and the Amazons chocolate trap".
Do you mean persistence, perhaps?
Repeatedly failing without end could well be considered persistence, but there's little merit in persistence in and of itself, if any. The merit rests on the deed itself, and being a bigoted little message board troll doesn't sound like a very manly activity. Neither does being a salesman, for that matter.
But you're a hypocrite in so many other respects, so why stop there?
Anon, Anon, poor broken little toy. You have no idea how deep my hypocracy goes. Its like a house of many rooms, and in each room many closets, and in each closet many drawers, and hee hee I said drawers.
Does little anon still wet her bed?
"Its like a house of many rooms, and in each room many closets"
It's past time you came out of those closets.
It's past time you came out of those closets.
D minus at best little anon. A rather sad attept really, cant you do any better?
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