Feminists are inherently illogical. The reason for this is that feminism is essentially an emotionally based ideology as opposed to a logic based ideology. All feminist arguments essentially boil down to one of two statements
1) I don't like this so its wrong.
2) I say its wrong so its wrong.
No matter how much they may attempt to dress their arguments up in a veneer of rationality or logic, that's all it is.
Since I see many of these illogical fallacies passed off as truths on a regular basis, this will be the first in a series on the various feminist fallacies, and how not to fall for them.
1)"how I look doesn't validate or invalidate what I'm saying. "
You'll usually hear this hoary old chestnut when pointing out to a 400lb woman (think Ragnell) that her views on the depiction of women in comics and the media might not be as valid as another woman's who isn't a huge beast. Now while its a very PC statement, like most PC statements its also bullshit. Jealousy is in fact a powerful motivator and it isn't unreasonable, in a situation where comments are probably motivated by jealousy to view said comments as sour grapes. I mean lets face it, If Roseanne Barr were to say "any woman who wears a thong is a slut" would it really be unrealistic to think he views are predicated on the fact that they don't make thongs that big? Lets put this in other terms, say a friend of yours had recently tried out for the football team and hadn't made the cut. Would you view his statement that "only brain dead morons play high school football" as anything other than sour grapes? So why then is it "invalid" To point out that a women who could not be described as attractive if you were being more charitable than Bill Gates might just be criticising the way Powergirl is portrayed due to jealousy? Is it truly unreasonable to think a woman who would look like a beached whale in a swimsuit has a different perspective on attractive women in skimpy outfits that a woman who is herself attractive? And if this woman, due to her "body issues" wouldn't feel comfortable wearing said outfit herself, why should take her statement that "no woman would do X in Y" outfit seriously? Like it or not, statements made due to jealousy should not be taken at face value.
2) Its sexist that as a woman my ability to do a job, think clearly, react rationally etc is sometimes questioned due to what time of the month it is yet no one ever question a man because of the calender.
Now the problem with this fallacy is that women do in fact become less rational, and more emotional at certain times of the month. Granted this effects some women more than others, but it effects all women to some degree. This isn't a sexist view, its a biological view. At certain times of the month a woman's body is flooded with hormones which increase emotion and decrease reason. It does in fact make them more irritable, less able to use whatever native intelligence they have, less able to think clearly without emotion clouding their judgement, and less capable of handling stress. Yet despite these unarguable facts, they want you to believe that its sexist to recognise this.
3) "pressuring" a woman to have sex is the same as rape.
This one is a bit more tricky as it depends on how they define pressuring. For example the line" if you really loved me you would sleep with me" Now there's no doubt its a bit of a scuzzy tactic, but to claim its rape is ridiculous. The fact is in many relationships there are those who attempt to guilt or coerce their partner into getting what they want. There no real difference between a woman "withholding sex" in order to get what she wants, and a man using "emotional pressure" to get what he wants. Both are tactics which show you really don't care about the other person but neither can be considered anything more than that. The problem is many feminists want to conflate "buyers remorse" with rape. You say you got drunk and had sex with a guy your embarrassed to admit you had sex with? He "raped" you by using chemical means. Your boyfriend told you he'd break up with you if you didn't put out? he just "raped" you through emotional coercion.
Now that's not to say that actual rapes don't happen, but when a woman is actually raped there's no ambiguity, rape is rape, pressure is not.
4) Abortion is a "woman's issue"
This is one of the most prevalent and wrong headed fallacies out there. Its so prevalent that many men will tell you "My opinion on abortion doesn't matter because I'm not a woman" others will even go so far as to state no man has any right to express an opinion on abortion at all.
This is pure unadulterated bullshit. Abortion and whether it should be legal or not is a human issue. Like it or not it takes two to create a life, one man and one woman. Granted that life spends its first nine months in a woman's womb, but the idea that its a part of her body is simply biologically inaccurate. Human life begins at conception. From the moment of fertilisation on that life is separate from, though dependent upon the mother.
You will also often hear fallacy 4a - Its wrong to force a woman to be a mother. This is wrong for several reasons. One every woman already has reproductive freedom. She has the choice whether or not to engage in sexual intercourse. Unless she was raped, the issue of reproductive freedom became moot the moment she consented to sex. Second the same women who claim its wrong to force a woman to be a mother have no issue whatsoever with forcing a man to be a father. Many times you'll hear the statement "you cant compare 9 months of suffering to paying child support" except that for one, its not nine months of suffering, for the first three at least, the pregnancy has little or no effect on the woman whatsoever. Second they fail to take into account the massive burden child support for an unwanted child takes on the average man. Assuming a median income and median child support payments, the average man will have to work between 10-20 hours a week extra in order to meet those obligation. At ten hours a week, over 18 years, that equals over one year of additional labor in order to pay for a child he never wanted. If its wrong to force a woman to carry a child she doesn't want its also wrong to force a man to support a child he never wanted. Conversely if its OK to force a man to meet the financial obligations of fatherhood then there's nothing wrong with not allowing a woman to slaughter a human life because she doesn't want it.
Bottom line if two people consent to have sex together then they both must be willing to live with the consequences, if not then you both need to keep your damn legs shut. Also and its sad I even have to say this, but MURDER IS NOT A RIGHT
5) Women earn X% less than men, which is proof of sexism.
This is a fallacy based on people misunderstanding of statistics, and on the refusal to take into account personal choice. Yes if you compare the median income of all men in the US, with the median income of all women in the US, women as a whole earn less than men do. This is not due to sexism, its due primarily to women's lower labor participation rates over their lifetime, the fact that women are more likely to suspend or end their careers early to care for their family, the fact that women are less likely to sacrifice time with their family to get ahead in their career while they are still working, and the fact that men are more likely to go into high risk, high stress (and thus high paying) career's. The fact is when you compare men and women with the same or similar experience, education, and work habits, there is no"wage gap"
Stay tuned for the next exiting installment of "Feminist Fallacies"
Hire Don’t Fire at the FDA
2 hours ago
Please clarify: Am I correct in thinking that the name in #1 is a direct reference to me, Ragnell the Comics Blogger, and not Ragnell the Medieval Literature Character?
Wow, so many fallacies in this post. All I really feel obligated to clear up, though, is that having sex with someone when they're drunk or stoned is legally defined as rape, because the person is incapable of rational, informed consent.
Just saving you the trouble of a lawsuit.
2) I say its wrong so its wrong.
No matter how much they may attempt to dress their arguments up in a veneer of rationality or logic, that's all it is.
in the words of theXKCD Wikipedia protestor sketch... CITATION NEEDED
Your arguments? They seem to be you saying "this is wrong, so it is wrong". You may want to lift your standard here and produce the citation and evidence based logic that you claim the others lack.
For example, your claim that there is no wage gap is invalidated by a cursory Google Scholar search, and Gannon et al (2007) demonstrating the presence of a wage gap through statistical analysis of real world data. (available at http://www.esr.ie/Vol38_1/gannon.pdf).
You may wish to consider research as a mechanism for enhancing your arguments, rather than an emotional approach of simply stating something to be fact because you wish it to be true - after all, isn't that your gripe with the feminism movement?
First of all, who broke up with you / tried to get child support from you? Talk about emotional.
Second, I love how you go from comic books to abortion and suddenly become an expert on interpreting economic statistics. LOL, thanks for the laugh.
Dear Madman
Thanks for the chuckle. Your satire was so over the top. Why, some people might even take you seriously!
This post is remarkably stupid. It's funny you should talk about feminist "fallacies". Your "argument" is full of them.
Proving the truth of anything depends on accepting certain premises. This is particularly true in moral philosophy. Murder is wrong because, fundamentally, murder is wrong. People have a right not to be murdered. You either believe this or you don't. Feminists usually assert that all human beings are entitled to fair treatment, regardless of their gender. You either believe this or you don't. In other words: "it's wrong because you say it's wrong."
To take your five numbered arguments in order:
1) This is what is called an "ad hominem" attack- Ragnell disagrees with you but her position is invalid because she is fat. You consistently speak to the people making the arguments instead of the arguments. It doesn't matter if someone is jealous, angry, fat, or an idiot such as yourself- they can still be right. (Don't worry, you aren't.)
2) Assumes facts not in evidence. In fact, the best statistical evidence suggests that measurable variations between individuals far outweigh hormone swings in individuals. If you don't care about the facts, that's fine, but don't presume to lecture those who do.
3) What is this even doing here? Who asserted this? You seem to have conjured an argument out of thin air in order to refute it. This is the "straw man" fallacy.
4) You make an assumption passim this entire section. You assert that men and women have equal reproductive rights because they share equal responsibility. They don't. When you can give your wife a break by taking a turn to gestate the baby, then we'll talk. I will grant you this argument isn't as batshit stupid on its face as some of your others. It is still wrong.
5) Your factual assertions are dubious at best, but let's take them at face value.
"This is not due to sexism..." Oh, okay then.
" ...its due primarily to women's lower labor participation rates over their lifetime," (a phenomenon based partly in institutional sexism), "the fact that women are more likely to suspend or end their careers early to care for their family" (whereas men almost never do), "the fact that women are less likely to sacrifice time with their family to get ahead in their career while they are still working", (due partly to social pressure placed on mothers), "and the fact that men are more likely to go into high risk, high stress (and thus high paying) career's." (in which men often receive preferential hiring because an assumption is made that a woman will eventually focus on family in a way a man will not.)
Oh, wait, look. Sexism is back.
Coming soon, more fallacies of a so-called "rational madman."
Three things.
First of all, "Politically correct" isn't a dirty word. It just means "Not knowingly and unabashedly inflammatory."
Second of all, oh, wait, you're right. Women just CHOOSE to be secretaries and maids instead of CEOs. No societal bias there at ALL.
Third of all: I'm a male. I have never, EVER, been told by any feminist that my opinion was less valid than theirs.
I get, I get it!
You're Bizaro! How could I miss it.
Am unhappy to not see you, Irrational Sane Woman!
Interesting points.
Couple of thoughts:
1) There are quite a few problems with the way women (and men) are drawn in comics, proportion wise. I'm not sure you can attribute all of these to jealousy (maybe some). Plus, saying that a comment is invalid because said person who made it was jealous, is rather subjective and hard to prove. While it may be true, to my ear it is a weak argument only used when no other reasonable argument to the issue can be thought of.
2) I'm going to have to take some offense here. Level of rationality is also very relative. I've met women who were much more rational PMSing, then certain irrational men. At the very least, this too is somewhat subjective, and doesn't take into account emotional instances not due to time of the month. Maybe we should just do away with emotion period. Stupid emotion. Always getting in the way.
3) This is a good point. No argument there, though as you pointed out there are various levels of pressure.
4) I shan't touch this one either, hot topic issue that it is. Let's just agree to disagree, as we could debate forever without convincing each other.
Feminists are inherently illogical. The reason for this is that feminism is essentially an emotionally based ideology as opposed to a logic based ideology.
Most political ideologies are based on ethical assumptions (such as "everyone is equally valuable" - the American constitution mentions something like that, IIRC), but they don't always bother to make them explicit since most people agree with them.
Feminism, at its most basic level, says something like:
1. Women are systematically mistreated by society.
2. This needs to stop.
The underlying assumption is that it's wrong for a category of people to be systematically mistreated by society. Which should be obvious.
1)"how I look doesn't validate or invalidate what I'm saying. "
You'll usually hear this hoary old chestnut when pointing out to a 400lb woman (think Ragnell) that her views on the depiction of women in comics and the media might not be as valid as another woman's who isn't a huge beast.
Let's see. You begin with describing Ragnell in a way that's both insulting and very subjective, and I don't think anyone else who's seen her picture would agree with it. You make huge, sweeping generalisations, and then go from saying that these comments might sometimes be motivated by jealousy to assuming that everything women (at least those you don't find attractive) say about pictures of women is said for that reason. Very logical and objective, yeah.
2... Now the problem with this fallacy is that women do in fact become less rational, and more emotional at certain times of the month. Granted this effects some women more than others, but it effects all women to some degree. This isn't a sexist view, its a biological view.
What it is is a (HUGE) generalisation. Whatever study it is you're referring to (without providing any links or sources of any kind) can't have been made on all women. Since women are very different, you can't form 100% rock-solid conclusions about all of womankind based on something like that. Besides, people who make studies like these are biased like the rest of us.
Now that's not to say that actual rapes don't happen, but when a woman is actually raped there's no ambiguity, rape is rape, pressure is not.
Where do you get that? It probably won't ever happen to you. Don't you think that just maybe the woman herself might be in a better position to judge than you are?
4. If you're after convincing other people to agree with something you believe, then give them an argument that supports it. "From the moment of fertilisation on that life is separate from, though dependent upon the mother" - that's your opinion. What makes it better than, say, mine?
Its wrong to force a woman to be a mother. This is wrong for several reasons. One every woman already has reproductive freedom. She has the choice whether or not to engage in sexual intercourse. Unless she was raped, the issue of reproductive freedom became moot the moment she consented to sex.
One: What if she *was* raped?
Two: I can't say it any better than this.
Second the same women who claim its wrong to force a woman to be a mother have no issue whatsoever with forcing a man to be a father.
Yet another generalisation.
... women as a whole earn less than men do. This is not due to sexism, its due primarily to women's lower labor participation rates over their lifetime, the fact that women are more likely to suspend or end their careers early to care for their family...
Women are expected to care about their families more than their work, and encouraged to do so. There are studies that show that women often choose family over career because it's easier - it's expected of them, and it's often advantageous "because my husband earns more than I do anyway". For the same reasons, companies are less likely to hire or promote women who have children or might come to want them. In short, it's a matter of interpretation - do women choose their families because it's what they really want or because they feel they don't have any other options?
Also, how about learning to spell?
i understand you might have been hurt by women before, but you've got to be strong, brother, and move on. this little tantrum isn't going to get you a hot girlfriend, so why waste your hate-energy?
I was with you until your post turned into an insane, ridiculous, anti-abortion rant.
For number 5, that study actually showed that even taking into account women taking time off etc. to stay at home were still paid less. Get your facts straight. And I quote "even after accounting for key factors that affect earnings, women, on average, make only 80 percent of what men earned in 2000, according to the study released on Thursday by Democratic Reps. Carolyn Maloney of New York and John Dingell of Michigan."
And please remember that we are not a Hive Mind. Making sweeping generalizations about those darn "Feminists" is shoddy thinking.
Amazing. Simply amazing.
I was going to go through the list point-by-point but let's just hit the highlights instead.
The "period instability" argument is beyond reason. Yes, women do have hormonal shifts which might affect behavior. Then again, so do men. Using that logic, men should be tested for an abundance of testosterone; those with abnormally high levels should therefore be excluded from any profession or position of responsibility where their aggression and lack of calm judgment would impair rational thought. Categorizing people's rationality, emotional control, or intelligence due to quasi-scientific biology is the sort of thinking which led to the fallacies of Eugenic thinking early in the 20th Century. Let's just remember that the individuals most likely to lose emotional control are men - just look at road rage statistics.
I wonder where you got the impression that "pressure rape" is just verbal coercion or day-after remorse. None of the feminists I know are even vaguely arguing from that viewpoint. Oh, but of course, all feminists are identical, produced in some robot factory in the West Bay area of San Francisco. No, the feminists I know are outraged by "she was asking for it " arguments which are still accepted today - i.e. if a man buys a woman dinner, and then she does not consent to sex, if he rapes her it's somehow all right because he was a gentleman up to the point he ripped her underwear off.
I'll accept that abortion is a "human" issue. As a human, I think it's repulsive to force women to have unwanted children. Most of the women who choose abortion are not doing so lightly or casually, but usually after much anguish and forethought. They simply feel they have no choice. Perhaps they were raped, or victims of incest; perhaps they are economically unable to provide for a child; each choice is a unique horror for that individual.
What about the man's rights, do you say? Well, line me up a hundred men who declaim the loss of their heredity and I'll put money down that 90% of them are liars. It's a woman's issue because the women, not the men, are bearing the children and are responsible for the majority of the upbringing for those unwanted children. Abortion isn't a new invention; civilizations throughout history, including Christian Europe, practiced and accepted forms of abortion or infant exposure.
Oh, and one more thing...if you're so concerned about the sanctity of a newborn child, adopt some children trapped in the foster care system or orphanages. Put your own money where your mouth is.
Let's leave aside statistics discussing the inequality of the workplace and just use broad indicators; despite women being active in business for over 30 years, the proportion of women promoted to top-level executive positions is tiny compared to men of equivalent standing in their careers. Despite women having the right to vote for nearly a century, the amazing paucity of women serving in high public office continues - as well as women appointed to positions of responsibility within the Government.
But, perhaps this is all shouting against the storm. You obviously have categorized feminists in one convenient little box, as overly-hormonal, fat, resentful, and wildly irrational women. If they were hot chicks, well, they'd be happy, right? They'd see nothing wrong with the pervasive and continuing discrimination and abuse. Nope. You got it nailed.
Thank God for that. Now I can go back to being a football-watching, beer-drinking, wife-abusing asshole - which is what all men are, after all.
1-I'm a man. I find the portrayal of many women in comics to be unrealistic and offensive. You’re making a biased generalization.
2-What you fail to offer here is the fact that hormone levels in men also rise and fall—causing fluctuations in beard growth, sperm count, aggression, and sexual desire. While these changes in hormone level may not be as predictable or involve physical signs of cycle changes (menstruation), the changes in mood and attitude are similar. In fact, it may be easier to argue that men are less rational and able to function based on hormone levels, as fluctuations in hormones occur on a daily and seasonal basis, rather than every 28 days. However, that too would be a flawed statement, since despite hormonal fluctuations, both men and women are able to function normally, make reasonable and intelligent decisions, and remain responsible for their actions.
3-This is a strawman argument. Feminists are not arguing that anything other than nonconsensual intercourse is rape. That isn’t to say other forms of sex aren’t harmful. Nevertheless, pressuring someone into having sex under duress, and using means to impair that person's judgment (i.e. alcohol and drugs) is rape.
4-This is an inconsistent argument. Are you arguing against feminism, or against abortion? While related, these ideals are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Only women can be impregnated, carry children, or risk health and life to give birth. Intercourse will never end with a pregnant man. As this only affects a woman’s body (and well-being), it is a women’s issue. Additionally, sex does not equal children—contraception provides a means to have mutually consenting intercourse, while not consenting to impregnation. Lastly, “Human life begins at conception” is a debatable opinion, not a fact.
5-On average, women still only make $.77 for every dollar a man makes; for women of color, the percentage is even less. The boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies are still overwhelmingly male. Working women have no guaranteed medical leave for childbirth, and are often discriminated against in promotions and salary. Is this their choice? The US has no guaranteed medical leave for childbirth—we’re trailing 168 countries. The US is also near the bottom of the list in public support for quality childcare for children of working parents. These facts enforce lowered labor participation of women. Also, while you suggest this is a natural consequence of “choosing” to have a child, what about those women who choose not to have children? Furthermore, your previous point suggests abortion and birth control shouldn’t be permitted, and women should simply become pregnant whenever they have sex, but here you suggest having a child is a choice. Which is it?
1. While it's true that a person's appearance can affect their opinion, it's fallacious to say that a person's opinion can be validated or invalidated on the basis of their looks. If their ideas are wrong, it's because of their thinking, not their appearance. Someone's appearance may be responsible for their feelings about comic book costumes, but their appearance has no role in determining whether their thinking is correct or incorrect. Think about this: are Jessica Simpson's ideas automatically better than an average looking woman's simply because of her looks? Jessica's looks may inform her opinion, but they have no bearing on the validity of her arguments on any issue.
To use your example: The reason Roseanne Barr is wrong to call all women wearing thongs sluts has nothing to do with her appearance. She may be making that statement because of her body issues, but that has nothing to do with the validity of her argument. If she had extensive plastic surgery and obtained supermodel looks, her opinion would still be equally wrong!
A second point: I used wrong and right above, but really most of the things you mention here are opinion based. If Roseanne thinks any woman who wears a thong is a slut, that's her opinion and it can't be "wrong" or "right". It's based on her personal definition of slut and a whole host of other things which make it a non-objective issue. The statement "all women who wear thongs are sluts" can't be proven or disproven without everyone agreeing what "slut" means.
2. I would tentatively agree with the premise that women's moods change cyclicaly in response to changing hormone levels throughout the menstrual cycle. I don't think you can push it any farther than that without some data.
You propose that the effects of hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle are to: increase emotion, decrease reason, decrease the ability to use native intelligence, decrease clarity of thinking, decrease ability to handle stress, and make women more irritable. Those are a lot of unproven, uncited, extraordinary claims. If we're being rational and scientific here I think you owe it to your readers to support these extraordinary claims with some evidence from peer reviewed journals. The cyclical nature of the menstrual cycle doesn't necessarily have any connection to increased emotion, decreased reason and all the other changes you asrcibe to it. If it does, the onus is on you to produce some proof.
3. Rape can actually be very ambiguous. The simplest, fairest definition of rape is if one partner did not consent. And consent isn't a binary thing. You can agree to have sex and change your mind mid coitus. It's an awkward thing to do, but anything after that mid-coital "no" is rape.
Additionally, if a woman cannot consent because of her mental state--for example she's drunk or high or emotionally or mentally disturbed--then it is ABSOLUTELY rape to have sex with her. I agree that there's a difference between buyers remorse and rape, but the line is far FAR more subtly delineated than you indicate here.
4. Who says that human life begins at conception? Where do you get that idea? The cutoff for "human life" is arbitrarily drawn.
5. It is my understanding that even when comparing men and women with the same or similar experience, education, and work habits, that the wage gap still exists. I'd like to see some stats please. Here is some info which seems to support my position: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0763170.html
Aw, poor baby. Did your mommy ignore you as a child?
Rational Mad Men are inherently illogical. The reason for this is that rational mad men-ism is essentially an emotionally based ideology as opposed to a logic based ideology. All rational man men-ist arguments essentially boil down to one of two statements
1) I don't like this so its wrong.
2) I say its wrong so its wrong.
No matter how much they may attempt to dress their arguments up in a veneer of rationality or logic, that's all it is.
good post. ignore the menstruating commentators
I agree good post but why are my comments blocked. I've tried 3 times.
I guess that might explain the homogenous theme in the comments here huh?
"Feminists are Stupid, Throw facts at them"
Wage Gap is Feminist Fiction
Regarding Jessica's comment "Aw, poor baby. Did your mommy ignore you as a child?"
The Catalogue of Anti-Male Shaming Tactics
Of course feminists ARE illogical.
Feminist Logic Leads Only To Disaster
Regarding questioning the ability, clear thinking etc during THAT time of the month; Remember that Mars probe that burned up entering the Martian atmosphere a few years ago? Guess the gender of the “engineer” that didn’t convert Newtons to foot-pounds. Guess the gender of the project manager who didn’t catch the error. In fact, guess the gender of the ENTIRE design team. Chirp …. chirp . . . chirp. NASA intended this mission to showcase Women In Engineering. Didn’t hear much about the gender thing after the spectacular failure, did we?
"Feminists are Stupid, Throw facts at them"
Wage Gap is Feminist Fiction
Regarding Jessica's comment "Aw, poor baby. Did your mommy ignore you as a child?"
The Catalogue of Anti-Male Shaming Tactics
Of course feminists ARE illogical.
Feminist Logic Leads Only To Disaster
Regarding questioning the ability, clear thinking etc during THAT time of the month; Remember that Mars probe that burned up entering the Martian atmosphere a few years ago? Guess the gender of the “engineer” that didn’t convert Newtons to foot-pounds. Guess the gender of the project manager who didn’t catch the error. In fact, guess the gender of the ENTIRE design team. Chirp …. chirp . . . chirp. NASA intended this mission to showcase Women In Engineering. Didn’t hear much about the gender thing after the spectacular failure, did we?
"Feminists are Stupid, Throw facts at them"
Wage Gap is Feminist Fiction
Regarding Jessica's comment "Aw, poor baby. Did your mommy ignore you as a child?"
The Catalogue of Anti-Male Shaming Tactics
Of course feminists ARE illogical.
Feminist Logic Leads Only To Disaster
Regarding questioning the ability, clear thinking etc during THAT time of the month; Remember that Mars probe that burned up entering the Martian atmosphere a few years ago? Guess the gender of the “engineer” that didn’t convert Newtons to foot-pounds. Guess the gender of the project manager who didn’t catch the error. In fact, guess the gender of the ENTIRE design team. Chirp …. chirp . . . chirp. NASA intended this mission to showcase Women In Engineering. Didn’t hear much about the gender thing after the spectacular failure, did we?
"Feminists are Stupid, Throw facts at them"
Wage Gap is Feminist Fiction
Regarding Jessica's comment "Aw, poor baby. Did your mommy ignore you as a child?"
The Catalogue of Anti-Male Shaming Tactics
Of course feminists ARE illogical.
Feminist Logic Leads Only To Disaster
Regarding questioning the ability, clear thinking etc during THAT time of the month; Remember that Mars probe that burned up entering the Martian atmosphere a few years ago? Guess the gender of the “engineer” that didn’t convert Newtons to foot-pounds. Guess the gender of the project manager who didn’t catch the error. In fact, guess the gender of the ENTIRE design team. Chirp …. chirp . . . chirp. NASA intended this mission to showcase Women In Engineering. Didn’t hear much about the gender thing after the spectacular failure, did we?
"Feminists are Stupid, Throw facts at them"
Wage Gap is Feminist Fiction
Regarding Jessica's comment "Aw, poor baby. Did your mommy ignore you as a child?"
The Catalogue of Anti-Male Shaming Tactics
Of course feminists ARE illogical.
Feminist Logic Leads Only To Disaster
Regarding questioning the ability, clear thinking etc during THAT time of the month; Remember that Mars probe that burned up entering the Martian atmosphere a few years ago? Guess the gender of the “engineer” that didn’t convert Newtons to foot-pounds. Guess the gender of the project manager who didn’t catch the error. In fact, guess the gender of the ENTIRE design team. Chirp …. chirp . . . chirp. NASA intended this mission to showcase Women In Engineering. Didn’t hear much about the gender thing after the spectacular failure, did we?
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